5.1 oz
Counts: 50 ct.

Nasturtium Flowers come in a stunning array of colors, ranging from yellow and gold to orange, brick red, and even pink. Their flavor is uniquely sweet with a hint of spiciness, adding an unexpected twist to any dish. You can enjoy the flower whole or pluck the petals from the stem to sprinkle over salads, soups, or desserts for a burst of color and flavor. Try using them as an edible garnish for cocktails, or add them to sandwiches and wraps for a delightful floral note.



Peppery, Spicy, Sweet


Yellow, Orange, Brick Red, Pink 




Gazpacho, Tomato Salad, Lobster Roll


All Year-Round


Long Island, New York


South America


50 ct. Clamshell


Primus GFSI Certified


Next-day for everyone


Nasturtium Flowers Details

Nasturtium Flowers are like little bursts of flavor and beauty on your plate. They start off sweet, but then they surprise you with a spicy, peppery kick. They taste just like you'd imagine an edible flower would taste—aromatic and floral, with a hint of that spicy goodness. But don't worry, they're not as strong as the Nasturtium Leaves.

Available in a stunning range of colors from yellow and gold to vibrant orange, brick red, and even pink, Nasturtium Flowers add both visual appeal and a burst of flavor to your dishes. Their delicate texture makes them perfect for garnishing, and you can either enjoy the flowers whole or pluck the petals from the stem. These edible flowers are perfect for adding a peppery punch to your culinary creations, while also making your dish look oh-so-pretty!

Recipes and Tips:

Nasturtium Flowers are culinary gems that bring distinct flavor and aesthetic charm to dishes. You can elevate traditional gazpacho by adding nasturtium petals as a vibrant garnish, introducing peppery notes that complement the refreshing soup. In a tomato salad, sprinkling nasturtium flowers adds vibrant colors and a peppery-sweet taste, enhancing both visual appeal and flavor complexity. 

For a gourmet twist on a classic lobster roll, incorporating nasturtium flowers not only enhances the visual presentation but also introduces a subtle kick to this seafood favorite. These versatile flowers enrich various dishes, making them a delightful addition to any culinary creation.

Nutritional Facts:

Nasturtium flowers are not only a feast for the eyes but also a rich source of essential nutrients that may enhance your diet. These vibrant blooms are packed with microelements like potassium, phosphorus, calcium, and magnesium. 

Potassium may help maintain healthy blood pressure and muscle function, while phosphorus supports bone health and energy production. Calcium is well-known for its role in maintaining strong bones and teeth, and magnesium may contribute to muscle and nerve function, as well as energy metabolism.

In addition to these microelements, nasturtium flowers contain valuable macroelements such as zinc, copper, and iron. Zinc may support immune function and cell repair, copper aids in the formation of red blood cells and connective tissues, and iron is may essential for transporting oxygen throughout the body and preventing anemia.

By incorporating nasturtium flowers into your meals, you not only add a burst of color and a unique peppery flavor but also boost the nutritional value of your dishes. Whether used fresh in salads, as a garnish for soups or as a flavorful addition to other recipes, these flowers may contribute essential nutrients that support overall health and well-being.

Storage and Usage Tips:

Best kept in your refrigerator between 36 to 40°F in their clamshell packaging. This helps maintain their vibrant color and delicate texture.