These large, crunchy crystals have a clean flavor and form a three-dimensional pyramid shape through an agitation process. Pyramid Salt makes an excellent finishing touch for dishes like sliced beef and pork, as well as rich desserts like chocolate pudding and caramel. Sprinkle it over summer tomatoes for a delightful contrast in flavors.
Clean, Crunchy Sea Salt
Chocolate Pudding, Caramel, Sliced Beef and Pork, Summer Tomatoes
All Year-Round
1.76 oz. (100 ml Grinder Jar), 19.4 oz. (1000 ml Jar)
Next-day for everyone
Pyramid Salt Details
Pyramid Salt offers a delightful flavor contrast sourced from Cyprus, Greece. Known for its clean, crunchy sea salt flavor, this unique seasoning enhances a variety of dishes. Pyramid salt crystals are prized for their light, delicate texture and balanced saltiness.
They aren’t just visually striking, but also add a unique texture and a refined flavor to dishes. The delicate crystals can be used as a finishing salt, adding a satisfying crunch and a burst of salty goodness to everything from salads and grilled vegetables to meats and desserts.
Recipes and Tips:
Pyramid Sea Salt is a fantastic way to add both flavor and texture to your dishes. You can grind the large crystals for a finer salt or use them whole to enjoy a satisfying crunch.
It’s perfect for finishing touches on a seared steak or caramelized sea scallops. For a unique twist, sprinkle it on pastries or dark chocolate mousse. This versatile salt will elevate your cooking and add a touch of sophistication to your meals.
Nutritional Facts:
Pyramid Sea Salt retains valuable trace minerals such as magnesium and calcium, which not only enhance its unique flavor but also contribute to key bodily functions.
Magnesium supports muscle function, energy production, and nerve transmission, while calcium is essential for maintaining strong bones, teeth, and cardiovascular health.
While the amounts of these minerals are small, their presence makes Pyramid Sea Salt a more natural and flavorful choice compared to regular table salt, offering a subtle nutritional advantage in addition to its culinary appeal.
Storage and Usage Tips:
Store your Pyramid Salt in their airtight grinder jar to preserve its flavor and texture. Keep the container in a cool, dark cupboard away from direct sunlight and heat sources.